
Sharon and I created the Wolf Way after attending the Launch event for Cycling UK’s Rebellion Way in Norwich, we loved the idea of a similar long-distance bike-packing route around Suffolk to encourage more folk to get outside, get active on their bikes and discover some of Suffolk’s amazing wild places and rich cultural heritage.

The primary reason more folk don’t ride their bikes is because they don’t feel safe riding on the busy roads in the UK[1] , improving traffic-free cycling infrastructure is the best way to address this problem, and the transformation in active travel that has been achieved in the Netherlands[2] and other European countries is undeniable[3].

However, this requires serious investment, and commitment at government level to really implement national changes in behaviour, the typical spend per person on cycling infrastructure in the Netherlands is > £20 whilst in the UK is < £2[4].   Creating cycle routes that use existing low-traffic quiet-lanes and traffic-free Bridleways and Byways i.e. multi-terrain routes, therefore offer a low-cost alternative.

Similar county-wide multi-terrain routes created by Cycling UK have seen significant increases in cycle-tourism in those areas and new business have been started to support riders of the King Alfred’s Way where the average spend by riders is £83.60 per day.[5] In Suffolk, we have an additional benefit from the easy access to the Netherlands and Europe via the Hoek-Harwich ferry, which allows riders to join the route at Felixstowe after a short trip on the Harwich Harbour ferry, making it very easy to encourage European riders to visit our county.

Our Mission is to get more folks riding biking bikes around Suffolk to improve physical, mental and climate health

Happy Cycling

Chris & Sharon

[1] https://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/wiki/barriers-cycling

[2] https://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/case-study/focusing-bicycles-transport-urban-netherlands

[3] https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2022-05/Global%20Advisor-Cycling%20Across%20the%20World-2022%20Report.pdf

[4] https://allpartycycling.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/get-britain-cycling1.pdf

[5] https://www.cyclinguk.org/briefing/case-cycling-economy